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發言 : piggy 時間 : 04/07/16(23:58:16) From : 分類 : 訓練概論

比賽前應不應該有性生活?(July 17, 2004)


  有關性交在生理上的影響一直存爭議,長期以來大家都認為在重大賽會之前應禁慾,主要可能的理由是「性事不美滿」會增加攻擊性,而且射精的動作會將減少身體中的睪固酮(testosterone)(Kreiger, 1997)。Master和Johnson(1966)的研究,認為性交並不需要太多能量,比爬幾層樓或衝刺40碼所消耗的能量還少。Johnson在1968年的研究,以14位已婚男性運動員為研究對象,作手部握力的肌力測驗發現,前一晚「性交」後隔天早上測驗的結果,與禁慾六天以上的測驗結果是相同的,同時指出手掌彎曲的肌力和肌耐力並不會因前一晚「性事」而有負面的影響。Larson、McNaughton、Kennedy和Mansfield(1980)也支持這個論點,性交時的心跳率與血壓與爬樓梯時的生理反應差不多。


  一般而言,做愛時心跳率可能會上升到每分鐘180次,呼吸頻率快到每分鐘40次(Shea,1988),此外,血壓的變化女性的收縮壓(systolic blood pressure),可能會上升40~80mmHg,男性上升的幅度也可能在50~100 mmHg,舒張壓(diastolic blood pressure)男女性都可能會升高20~50 mmHg左右(Shea,1988)。事實上,Masters和Johnson(1966)建議,如果運動選手性交後能有一個較充足的恢復休息時間,而這個休息時間約只需1~5分鐘左右,就可以將運動能力發揮到最大。Brown和Kempter(1970)也同意Masters和Johnson兩人的看法,並指出沒有科學的證據證實射精會減弱體力,影響運動員隔天的運動表現。

  美國醫學會運動醫學委員會(The American Medical Association Committee on the Aspects of Sport)(引自Mirkin,1982;Hoffman,1985)認為性交與運動表現的關係,可能不是Masters和Johnson與Brown等人所推論的那麼簡單。美國醫學會提出一個相當關鍵的問題—『性交是否是運動員日常生活的一部份?』,他們的研究指出,假使性交已是運動員生活作息的一部份,那麼比賽前一晚的性關係,並不會妨礙其運動表現。然而,許多運動教練認為,比賽前一晚的性交(sexual intercourse)對運動表現都有負面的影響。因此,宵禁、晚點名(bed checks)、前一晚的禁慾都是教練重要的規定。

  賽前禁慾的原則可能是由於一些研究指出「性交」會有能量消耗,雖然一般人認為「性」所消耗的能量相較於其他身體活動而言是相當少的(Nemec, Mansfield, Kennedy, 1976; Kavangh, Shephard, 1977)。Gordon(1988)曾以71位棒球教練及58位籃球教練作問卷調查,有超過40%以上的教練不知道賽前的「性事」是否有損運動表現,而之所以他們會有這麼含糊的回答,大部分人覺得缺乏特別針對賽前一晚「性事」的研究。很可能這大都與歷史的看法,認為「性活動」的多少有點負面結果有關。而比賽前一晚的「性事」到底會影響多少運動表現,那些堅信會有負面影響的教練們也很能回答這個問題,主要是缺乏較具科學研究的證據。因此,教練們都會事先處理,在訓練的過程中盡可能不去碰觸這個問題。



  很多運動員越到比賽越覺得緊張,而這種降低壓力的方式,也受到許多人的認同(Inglis,1986; Winter,1991)。其實這也是事實,性交也是一種身體的活動(physical activity)。有人認為男女性會有些差別,在這方面對許多人而言,可能會較熱情或者特別親密(Townsend, 1987)。其中有非常複雜的變數存在,可能受到生理與心理間的交互影響。

  再者,教練的角色是在幫助運動員找出可以提昇與促進運動表現的因素,及避免造成影響或損及運動表現的可能原因。不同的運動選手可能有特殊的因素,而性關係這類的問題是一項非常私人的事,由教練所提供附加的自我意識(self-awareness),將可以協助他們的選手找到最適合自己的訣竅。Pyke(1984)認為尊重教練有兩個重要的特質就是坦白與瞭解,而溝通更是一項極為重要且基本的教練能力(Tutko and Richard, 1971)。溝通同時也是一項教練掌握選手狀況最有力的工具(Rosenfeld and Wilder, 1990)。



Bohlen, J.G., Held, J.P., Sanderson, M.D., & Patterson, R.P. (1984). Heart rate, rate pressure product, and oxygen uptake during four sexual activity. Archives of Internal Medicine, 144: 1745-1748.

Ingis, R. (1986). Stress Management (A Practical Approach). Athletics Coach, 20(2): 6-8.

Larson, J.L., McNaughton, M.W., Kennedy, J.W., & Mansfield, L.W. (1980). Heart rate and blood pressure responses to sexual activity and a stair-climbing test. Heart Lung, 9: 1025-1030.

Masters, G., & Johnson, V. (1966). Human sexual responses. Little and Brown, Boston.

Mirkin, G., & Hoffman, M. (1985). The Sports Medicine Book. Lansdowne press. Sydney.

Nemec, E.D., Mansfield, L., & Kennnedy, J.W. (1976). Heart rate and blood pressure responses during sexual activity in normal males. American Heart Journal, 92: 274-277.

Pyke, F. (1984). Towards Better Coaching – The Art and Science of Sports Coaching. A.P.G.S. Canberra.

Rosenfeld, L., & Wilder, L. (1990). Communication Fundamental: Active Listening. Track Technique, 12: 3564-3568.

Shea, J. (1988). Human Sexuality: AN Introduction. Unpublished lecture notes, Department of psychology, University of Newcastle.

Stein, R.A. (1977). The effect of exercise training on heart rate during coitus in the post myocardial infarction patient. Circulation, 55: 738.

Townsend, J.M. (1987). Sex Differences in Sexuality Among Medical Student: Effects of Increasing Socioeconomic Status. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 16(5): 425-434.

Tutko, T.A., & Richards, J.W. (1971). Psychology of Coaching. Allyn and Bacon, Boston.

Winter, G. (1991). Technique of Relaxation Training. Modern Athlete and Coach, 29(1): 35-37.


回應 : 2 scwang時間 : 2004/7/18 上午 11:40:10 From :

Sabo DF. Miller KE. Farrell MP. Melnick MJ. Barnes GM. (1999). High school athletic participation, sexual behavior and adolescent pregnancy: a regional study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 25(3):207-216.

PURPOSE: To determine whether high school athletic participation among adolescents in Western New York was associated with reduced rates of sexual behavior and pregnancy involvement. METHODS: A secondary analysis of data from the Family and Adolescent Study, a longitudinal study of a random sample of adolescents (ages 13-16 years) from 699 families living in households in Western New York. A general population sample was obtained with characteristics closely matching the census distributions in the area. Interview and survey methods provided data on athletic participation, frequency of sexual relations during the past year, and risk for pregnancy. Bivariate correlations were used to examine relationships among athletic participation, demographic and control variables, and measures of sexual behavior and pregnancy rates. Next, path analyses were done in order to test for hypothesized relationships between athletic participation, sexual behavior, and pregnancy involvement while controlling for age, race, income, family cohesion, and non-athletic forms of extracurricular activity. Variables that were significantly associated with sexual behavior and/or pregnancy involvement were presented for both sexes within the resulting multivariate models. RESULTS: Lower income and higher rates of sexual activity were associated with higher rates of pregnancy involvement for both sexes. Family cohesion was associated with lower sexual activity rates for both sexes. For girls, athletic participation was directly related to reduced frequency of sexual behavior and, indirectly, to pregnancy risk. Male athletes did not exhibit lower rates of sexual behavior and involvement with pregnancy than male non-athletes. Boys who participated in the arts, however, did report lower rates of sexual behavior and, indirectly, less involvement with pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Female adolescents who participated in sports were less likely than their non-athletic peers to engage in sexual activity and/or report a pregnancy. Among male adolescents, athletic participation was unrelated to sexual behavior and pregnancy involvement. Teen pregnancy prevention efforts for girls should consider utilizing sport as a strategic tool.

Miller KE. Sabo DF. Farrell MP. Barnes GM. Melnick MJ. (1998). Athletic participation and sexual behavior in adolescents: the different worlds of boys and girls. Journal of Health & Social Behavior. 39(2):108-123.

Using multivariate analysis of covariance to test hypotheses about the effects of sports and sexual behavior on a sample of 611 Western New York adolescents, this study concludes that athletic participation and gender interact to influence adolescent sexual outcomes. Female athletes report significantly lower rates of sexual activity than female nonathletes; male athletes report slightly (though not significantly) higher rates than male nonathletes. The gender-specific effect of sports on sexual behavior remains, net of the impacts of race, age, socioeconomic status, quality of family relations, and participation in other extracurricular activities. This paper introduces cultural resource theory to explain how athletic participation influences both traditional cultural scripts and exchange resources, which, in turn, condition the sexual bargaining process and its outcomes for adolescents.

Smith, E.A. Caldwell, L.L. (1994). Participation in high school sports and adolescent sexual activity. Pediatric exercise science 6(1), 69-74.

Survey data from 1,071 high school students in a large southern city
indicated that high school sports participants were more likely to be
sexually active than were nonparticipants. This result was
true for both males (66 percent vs. 52 percent) and females (52 percent vs.
36 percent) and was independent of the sport in which the adolescent
participated. This finding suggests that high school teams may provide an
opportunity for reaching teenagers in need of sex education counseling.

回應 : 3 SOP時間 : 2004/7/19 上午 01:16:37 From :

Sabo DF. Miller KE. Farrell MP. Melnick MJ. Barnes GM. (1999). High school athletic participation, sexual behavior and adolescent pregnancy: a regional study.這一篇研究跟主題應該沒有多大關係吧?(abstract的purpose與result中並無提到...)

回應 : 4 normalin時間 : 2004/7/19 上午 08:17:47 From :


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