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發言 : CCHsu 時間 : 06/01/12(21:08:11) From :
Sports Medicine, 2005, 35(10): 841-851
set 與 intensity 有趣!!!

Muscular Endurance 1-3 Sets 15-20 RM
Hypertrophy 4-6 Sets 8-15 RM
Maximal Strength 3-5 Sets 3-8 RM
Power 3-5 Sets 1-3 RM

與 "Medicine and science in sports and exercise" 以前的 (2003? 2004? sorry!
我忘了) review 稍有出入

回應 : 2 Andes_Cheng時間 : 2006/1/12 下午 09:43:19 From :

MSSE的review paper是在2002年發表的ACSM的立場宣言。事實上,該篇與去年Sports Medicine的文章,最大的差異在於強度的訂定方法,亦即MSSE是以1 RM的百分比來做強度的設定,而Sports Medicine的這一篇則是使用傳統的RM概念。而兩者之間的差異,在此次的Sports Medicine文章也有提及,並說明以傳統的RM概念較易於在實際的訓練場合中實施(摘錄於下方),而這種方法,個人認為也比較安全些,並不需要每隔一段時間都要做最大肌力(1 RM)的檢測,降低了運動員做最大肌力檢測時的受傷機率。

Load refers to the amount of weight assigned to an exercise set and is probably the most important variable in resistance training programme design. The training load can be determined by either RM (i.e. the greatest amount of eight lifted with correct technique for a specified number of repetitions) or some percentage of the one repetition maximum (1RM). Prescribing load via the method is thought to be superior to using a percentage of 1RM. From a ractical perspective this eliminates the need for repeated 1RM testing to keep the exercise stimulus effective. It is recommended that training load is increased by 2–10% when the individual can perform the current load for one to two repetitions over the desired number. The RM continuum relates training load to the broad training effects derived. The continuum concept illustrates that a certain RM emphasises a specific outcome (i.e. muscular endurance, hypertrophy, maximum strength, power); however, training benefits are blended at any given RM. Heavy loads are used if the goal is power (1–3RM) or maximum strength (3–8RM), moderate loads for hypertrophy (8–15RM), and low loads for muscular endurance (>20RM).

回應 : 3 CCHsu時間 : 2006/1/13 上午 11:22:52 From :

感謝 Dr. Chen
對"Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2002, 34(2):364–380." 與 Sports Medicine, 2005, 35(10): 841-851 的 comment

" 傳統的RM概念較易於在實際的訓練場合中實施,而這種方法,個人認為也比較安全些,並不需要每隔一段時間都要做最大肌力(1 RM)的檢測,降低了運動員做最大肌力檢測時的受傷機率。 "
"Great the comment !!!"

政東學長的大作似是 “Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2004, 36(4): 674–688.” 專項選手個別化訓練的延伸
(昨夜回家後翻了一下, Excellent...the book)

回應 : 4 CCHsu時間 : 2006/1/13 下午 12:18:53 From :


是 Dr. Cheng 非 Dr, Chen

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