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發言 : 豐仔 時間 : 05/07/01(23:17:31) From :
那假如重量訓練是做10下 然後做5組
增強式訓練做10下 也5組的話 那正確的做法是

今天朋友突然這樣問我 我也不知道

 共有 3 回應

回應 : 1 阿興時間 : 2005/7/2 上午 08:42:37 From :

你問的是複合訓練 還是複合組訓練

附合訓練是指"握推 蹲舉"等

孤立訓練市指"蝴蝶機 滑輪深展腿"等


回應 : 2 Andes_Cheng時間 : 2005/7/2 下午 07:47:33 From :


關於複合式訓練(complex training)的部分,可自行參閱以下兩篇文獻。

1. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 May;17(2):345-9.

Kinetic analysis of complex training rest interval effect on vertical jump

Jensen RL, Ebben WP.

Complex training has been recommended as a method of incorporating plyometrics with strength training. Some research suggests that plyometric performance is enhanced when performed 3-4 minutes after the strength training set, whereas other studies have failed to find any complex training advantage when plyometrics are performed immediately after the strength training portion of the complex. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an ergogenic advantage associated with complex training and if there is an optimal time for performing plyometrics after the strength training set. Subjects were 21 NCAA Division I athletes who performed a countermovement vertical jump, a set of 5 repetitions maximum (5 RM) squats, and 5 trials of countermovement vertical jump at intervals of 10 seconds and 1, 2, 3, and 4 minutes after the squat. Jump height and peak ground reaction forces were acquired via a force platform. The pre-squat jump performance was compared with the post-squat jumps. Repeated measures ANOVA determined a difference (p 0.05) was found comparing subsequent jumps (0.72-0.76 m) to the pre-squat condition (0.74 m). When comparing high to low strength individuals, there was no effect on jump performance following the squat (p >0.05). In conclusion, complex training does not appear to enhance jumping performance significantly and actually decreases it when the jump is performed immediately following the strength training set; however, a nonsignificant trend toward improvement seemed to be present. Therefore to optimize jump performance it appears that athletes should not perform jumps immediately following resistance training. It may be possible that beyond 4 minutes of recovery performance could be enhanced; however, that was not within the scope of the current study.

2. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Nov;17(4):694-700. Related Articles, Links

A biomechanical analysis of the acute effects of complex training using lower limb exercises.

Jones P, Lees A.

The aim of this study was to investigate the current practice of complex training using a lower body combination of exercises. It was hypothesized that a bout of heavy resistance exercise (HRE), as typically used in complex training, would lead to enhanced performance (in the form of counter-movement [CMJ] and drop [DJ] jump height) and increased electromyographical (EMG) activity in subsequent plyometric exercise, also typical of complex training. Eight strength trained men performed 2 conditions: HRE or control (no-HRE) in a counter-balanced order. Both conditions involved 4 sets of 6-jump trials (3-CMJ/ 3-DJ). The first set of jumps was used as a baseline. For the HRE condition, 5-squats at 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) followed shortly after the first set, while the second, third and fourth sets followed at 3-, 10-, and 20-minutes post-HRE, respectively. The control condition involved the same procedure, but no exercise separated the first 2-sets. There were no significant main effects (p > 0.05) for any CMJ performance variable or EMG activity regardless of muscle or phase of jump. There were no significant (p > 0.05) main effects of heavy resistance exercise on DJ performance variables. Only the biceps femoris during the propulsive phase of the DJ was significantly higher (p < 0.05) following HRE compared to no-HRE. Some trends in the data were evident and the power of the statistical tests was low. It was concluded that no evidence was found to support the experimental hypothesis although the absence of a treatment effect could not be ruled out. From a practical point of view, undertaking a bout of HRE had no adverse effects on subsequent plyometric performance and so some of the advantages of complex training still remain.

回應 : 3 scwang時間 : 2005/7/2 下午 10:05:11 From :

運動生理週訊電子報(第153期) 「複合訓練的理論與應用(November.11.2003)

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